Registration 2025 Spring

Registration Procedure for the North Pole Marathon 2025 Spring Edition

Registration for the North Pole Marathon 2025 Spring Edition is a simple two-step process. You must

1. Agree to the Terms & Conditions, and complete the Application Form below, and
2. Pay the full entry fee or deposit.

The 2025 Spring Edition field is strictly limited and these will be allotted to competitors and media on a first come first served basis.

Please note that if you have time pressures you should NOT register for this race. It is a polar trip and you must be flexible in case there are delays.

Please print this page and retain for your records. Once the full entry fee or deposit has been received, your place will be confirmed in the field.


There is an individual competition for both male and female competitors and a team competition for teams of three.

Rules & Regulation

1. The event is the classic marathon distance of 42.2km (26.2 miles). There is also a half-marathon option.
2. Individual results will be categorized into male and female divisions.
3. The team competition will not have divisions based on gender. A team may therefore comprise both male and female members. Team positions are decided by the cumulative time of the top three competitors on each team. Team members do not have to run / finish together.
4. Any athlete who exhibits severe conditions that are deemed detrimental to their health may be withdrawn from the race by officials or stopped temporarily while appropriate treatment and advice is administered.
5. The Race Director's decisions are final.

Your submission of the registration form accepts the Rules and Regulations as outlined above. The overall fee is €23,900EUR.

You must:

1. Fill in the Application Form and click Register for the North Pole Marathon, and
2. Agree to the Terms & Conditions when prompted, and
3. Make the relevant payment in order to confirm your place.

The race is scheduled to take place on April 14, 2025. Please proceed to the terms and conditions to see full details of the trip.

Terms & Condition


The North Pole Marathon will be run over the classic marathon distance of 42.2km (26.2 miles).

SCHEDULED DATES OF 2025 Spring Edition

April 11
Latest arrival at Krasnoyarsk, Russia
April 12
Fly to Khatanga
April 13
Fly to North Pole camp
April 14
North Pole Marathon
April 15
Fly back to Khatanga
April 16
Fly back to Krasnoyarsk

Please note that it is important to anticipate delays. We advise obtaining a fully flexible return flight.


For the entry fee of 23,900EUR, Runbuk Inc. will provide:

- Entry to the North Pole Marathon.
- Marathon briefing prior to departure to the North Pole.
- Airport - hotel - airport transfer in Krasnoyarsk before and after the trip to the North Pole.
- Flights from Krasnoyarsk to Khatanga, from Khatanga to the North Pole ice camp, and the return flights to Krasnoyarsk.
- Helicopter flight from the ice camp to 90N and back.
- Accommodation with breakfast in Khatanga.
- Accommodation in  heated modules and full catering at the North Pole ice camp
- Accommodation in  heated modules and meals at ice base and Khatanga before the flight to Krasnoyarsk, in a case of delays due to weather, ice or other conditions.
- A Baggage allowance of up to 15 kg (33 lbs) on Khatanga - North Pole ice camp - Khatanga flights.
- Medal, t-shirts, patches and other souvenirs of the race.
- Event photos and videos for personal use and local publication.


All participants should be in excellent health and capable of easily completing a regular 42.2km (26.2 mile) marathon. Please consult with your doctor before entering the North Pole Marathon.


Full payment of €23,900 EUR is required upon initial registration to secure your place.


The preferred method is by bank wire transfer. Once we receive your application form, we'll email you the invoice with wire instructions, and once the payment is received by the due date, your spot is confirmed.

Cancellations by participant

- Cancellation notice received 271 days or more before departure incurs a 35% charge of the total payment.
- Cancellation notice received between 270 and 211 days before departure incurs a 70% charge of the total payment.
- Cancellation notice received within 210 days before departure incurs a 100% charge of the total payment.

Please note: A withdrawing competitor may also directly transfer his or her place to another person. We will not transfer your entry to a future year.

required documents

Depending on your nationality, you must fulfill the visa and health requirements of the destinations, if relevant, for entry to Norway or Russia. Upon your request, the organizers can assist you in identifying the necessary travel documents, including passport, visa, health certificates, and other similar requirements. However, it is your responsibility to ensure timely preparation of all required documents.


Each participant is responsible for their own insurance to cover trip cancellation and interruption. For example, you may get injured and need to cancel your trip. Furthermore, weather-related delays and other delays can occur in such an extreme environment and the organizers cannot be held responsible for such disruption. Emergency medical evacuation insurance should also be obtained.


There are limits to how much baggage each participant can bring. The baggage allowance travelling from the departure point to the Pole is 15kg.


I understand that during the race or in related activities, I may be photographed, filmed, and/or videotaped. I agree to allow my name, photo, video or film likeness to be used for any legitimate promotional purpose by the event holders, producers, sponsors, organisers and assigns. (In cases where there are Army Special Forces involved, Runbuk Inc. will agree to protect identities as requested – it is most likely that all athletes will be wearing facemasks in the event).


I certify that I will have adequate insurance to cover unanticipated trip cancellation / interruption, and any injury or damage that may occur on the trip, or which I may suffer while participating, or else I agree to bear the costs of such injury or damage myself.


I acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied to participate in the North Pole Marathon and that I have carefully read and understand the description, terms, conditions and recommendations of the expedition. I am participating in this trip with full knowledge of any hazards involved. I also understand that the dates of the trip and departure point may change from those specified on this form.

I understand that the North Pole, and Arctic Ice Pack, is over 2,000 km across and will be desolate of many western standard rescue facilities. I understand that I will be lodging on an active ice floe that is 6 to 12 feet thick on top of the Arctic Ocean, and that sudden cracks (leads), pressure ridges, and ocean currents can expose the ocean at any time; that temperatures in April can be below -40 degrees Celsius, with wind chills to -100 degrees Celsius; that bad weather and aircraft malfunction could strand the expedition for many days; that prolonged exposure to the polar environment can cause loss of fingers, toes, and body parts due to frostbite, or loss of life due to many causes including hypothermia, dehydration or even drowning or polar bear attacks.

I further understand that Runbuk Inc., the Race Director and other organizers cannot 100% guarantee the safety of competitors when transporting them since this expedition will be carried out in one of the harshest and most remote environments on earth.

Furthermore I understand that participating in physical activities in the North Pole area may put me at some risk of death, falling or being blown into the frigid waters and other perils. I also agree that the specific activity of running or walking in the North Pole vicinity may, in an extreme worst case scenario, place me at risk of death from the frigid conditions as well as being lost in the Arctic due to poor weather or loss of communication as well as accident or illness, fully understanding that I am in a remote region devoid of many medical supplies and facilities.

In consideration of being permitted to participate in this trip, I fully assume responsibility upon myself for such bodily, mental, and financial injuries and delays caused by, but not limited to various surface transportation, accidents, aircraft malfunctions, hazards of traveling in the Arctic environment, forces of nature, civil unrest, terrorism, and other perils. I freely assume these and all other risks inherent in this North Pole Expedition, in exchange for the thrill and adventure of traveling to the Arctic Region.

I hereby assume all risks, however caused, including those mentioned above, as a result of my participation.


In consideration of the services of Runbuk, Inc. (433 Airport Blvd. Suite 415, Burlingame, CA 94010, USA), the Race Director and agents, owners, officers, volunteers, participants, employees, sponsors, medical personnel and all other persons, or entities acting in any capacity on their behalf: I hereby agree to release, indemnify, and discharge them, on behalf of myself, my children, my parents, my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and estate as follows:

I release Runbuk Inc. and all of its agents and representatives or other entities acting on their behalf from any and all liability, actions, causes of actions, suits, debts, and demands that I may have for bodily injury, death, or property damage, loss of income, delays and claims of every sort and nature whatsoever which may arise out of or in connection with my participation in the North Pole Marathon.


Runbuk Inc. reserves the right to cancel the 2025 North Pole Marathon Spring Edition if it does not reach a minimum level of participants to make it economically feasible to operate. Competitors will be informed by November 30th 2023. The refund of all monies received will be the limit of our liability. We will not be liable for other costs incurred by you in preparing for the trip. In the event of a late cancellation of the race due to unforeseen circumstances, Runbuk Inc. agrees to provide the same trip at the next possible opportunity at no additional cost to the competitor.


The validity, construction and performance of this Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the USA. The parties hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the USA as regards any claim, dispute, or matter arising out of, or in connection with this Agreement.


I have carefully read and understand the description, terms, conditions and recommendations of the 2025 North Pole Marathon Spring Edition and I am participating with a thorough knowledge of the hazards involved. I freely and voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions of the 2025 North Pole Marathon by signing this contract.

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